What is the Canvas Web Viewer and how do I use it?

The Canvas 3D Web Viewer is an easy way to view, measure, and share any uploaded scan.

With the 3D Web Viewer, you can:

  • Virtually revisit the space
  • Measure the scan or CAD file directly in your browser
  • View notes and measurements created in-app
  • Share it with your project collaborators
  • Embed it into your web page

You can access the web viewer directly from the Canvas app or through your Canvas account.

The 3D Web Viewer provides an easy way to view or share your scans or CAD models for measuring and easier quoting. 

Here is an example:

If your scan is part of a “merge” order that leads to a merged CAD model (representing multiple scans), the merged CAD model of the entire space will be shown instead of the single room CAD. 

Clipping Tool

As part of making viewing CAD files easier, we’ve included a clipping tool that snaps to important CAD elements (ceilings, windows, doors, etc) to make viewing different floors and elements simple. Just click and drag.

You can toggle the clipping tool on and off in the settings menu (gear icon) at the bottom right.


With the measuring tool (top right corner), click the first point then move your cursor to the second point and get an instant measurement.

  • Zoom in by clicking and holding.
  • Hold "Shift" key to lock measurement to X-axis, Y-axis, or Z-axis.
  • "Point to Point" or "Plane to Plane": Since measuring precise points on the 3D mesh can sometimes be difficult, we try to help speed up certain measurements. If you touch two opposing walls, the measure tool will "snap" to the straight, perpendicular distance between those two walls even if you didn't touch the exact right points. If you touch anywhere on the floor and then anywhere on the ceiling, the same thing will happen. For more complicated measurements, you can always use the normal point to point measurement feature. You can turn off "snapping" by clicking the "Planar" toggle.


You can share your web viewers with project collaborators: your customer, contractor, subs, owners, or anyone else you choose! In a connected web browser, they can view your scan and as-built, see notes, and take measurements. Please note: If the scan is not uploaded yet, you will be prompted to do so.

  • By default, sharing is Off. Once Link Sharing is enabled, you can share your scan with your customer, contractor, or anyone else so you can all have access to the same scan.
  • If you would like your scan to remain private, you can leave or toggle Link Sharing OFF. When this setting is OFF, the link to the scan is only accessible to you when you are logged in to your account.

To share: tap the three dots on the top right of the scan's thumbnail to get to the scan information:

Link Sharing is Off by default:

Toggle Link Sharing On:

Once link sharing is enabled, you can tap the Share button:

You are able to share with anyone, in a variety of ways:

Accessing the Canvas Web Viewer

You can access the Canvas Web Viewer in two ways: 1) from the Canvas app, and 2) online through your Canvas account.

Within the Canvas app

Follow the directions above for Sharing.

From your account

  1. Login to your account at https://canvas.io
  2. The Order History page will load automatically
  3. Search for the order using scan name, home name, order ID, etc.
  4. Click on the thumbnail and the Web Viewer will open!

Please note: Deleting a scan from your device does not delete its Web Viewer link. If you would like to delete a Canvas Web Viewer link, please reach out to us at support@canvas.io.