How long will it take to receive my order?

The time it takes to receive your order can vary based on several factors, especially the size of the space. Our delivery estimates are not guarantees, but these are our averages:

Standard delivery
Up to 1,000 sqft 2 business days
1,001-2,000 sqft 3 business days
2,001-3,000 sqft 4 business days
3,001-4,000 sqft 5 business days
4,001-5,000 sqft 6 business days
5,001-8,000 sqft 7 business days
Above 8,000 sqft 7+ business days (Please contact Customer Success for a more precise estimate)

Please note: Certain orders are more likely to vary from the above estimates, including larger spaces, more complex spaces, non-residential spaces and orders including exterior scans. 

Rush orders 

Rush delivery is available for an additional 20%.

Rush delivery
Up to 1,000 sqft 1 business day
1,001-2,000 sqft 2 business days
2,001-4,000 sqft 3 business days
Above 4,000 sqft 4 business days (Please contact Customer Success for a more precise estimate)

Rush delivery is not guaranteed. While estimated rush delivery dates are not guaranteed, especially for larger orders, we always do our best to accommodate rush orders and they are prioritized in our queue. Your rush fee will not be charged if your order is not delivered within the rush timeline for any reason. 

Multi-Format Orders

When you place a multi-format order (for example, Revit and SketchUp), the processing time will be the sum of all the formats you ordered. For example, if your scan is 750 square feet and you've ordered two formats, your estimated processing time will be four business days (2 days X 2 formats). If your scan is 1,500 square feet and you've ordered 3 formats, your order will be delivered in approximately 9 business days (3 days X 3 formats).

When you rush a multi-format order, your turnaround time will also be multiplied by the number of formats you're ordering. For example, if you rush a 750 square foot order for two formats, your estimated delivery time will be 48 hours (and your rush fee will not be waived unless this time is exceeded).

*What is a business day?

Our business days are Monday through Friday, not including holidays. However, we do maintain some weekend and holiday capacity, so you may occasionally see orders delivered on weekends.

Order delivery times are provided based on your local time zone, with a cut-off of 6pm. This means that if an order is submitted after 6pm in your device’s time zone, the estimated turnaround time will commence from the following business day at 8am. As an example, a 500 square foot order submitted at 4pm on Wednesday should generally be delivered on Friday (+2 days from Wednesday), but a 4,000 square foot order submitted at 9pm on Friday should generally be delivered on the following Friday (+4 days from the following Monday).