What file formats and programs does Canvas support?

Canvas produces professional CAD/BIM files for a variety of 3D and 2D software. Canvas directly supports the following programs, which means our files are fully compatible and editable.

SketchUp, Version 2023

$0.20 per square foot base pricing

Includes file types: 3D .skp, 3D .dwg, and 3D .dae

Your .skp file will open in SketchUp version 2021 and later, design-ready, with all the groupings, layers, etc. that you would expect as if you made it yourself. Using Canvas with SketchUp is very plug-and-play. 

If your version of SketchUp is 2020 or older, we’re happy to deliver your file in the version you need by request. Follow these directions on every order:

Right after placing your order, tap “Upload Reference Measurements.”

Write “SketchUp XXXX” with XXXX representing the year of your SketchUp version and submit.

Revit, Version 2021

$0.20 per square foot base pricing

Includes file types: 3D .rvt, 3D .dwg, and 3D .ifc

Your .rvt file will open right in Revit, design-ready, in the correct families, and overall function as if you made it yourself. For Revit users incorporating Canvas into a BIM workflow, our Revit output is targeted at an LOD 200 specification.

Revit files cannot be "saved down." Our Revit output is always in the oldest version currently supported by Autodesk.

Chief Architect Premier, Version X12

$0.20 per square foot base pricing, delivered files: 3D .plan, 3D .dwg, and 3D .dae

Your .plan file will open right in Chief Architect Premier, design-ready, with geometry in the correct elements as if you made it yourself (i.e., doors are doors, walls are walls, etc).

Please see below for more information about Home Designer or Chief Architect Interiors

2020 Design Live, Version 13

$0.20 per square foot, delivered files: 3D .kit, 3D .dwg, and 3D .dae

Your .kit file will open right up in 2020 Design Live, design-ready, and organized as if you built it from scratch.

2020 Design Live is not backward compatible so our files will not work on earlier versions of this software.

Archicad, Version 25

$0.20 per square foot, delivered files: 3D .pln, 3D .dwg, and 3D .ifc

Your .pln file will open right up in Archicad, design-ready, and organized as if you built it from scratch. Archicad has local versions with their own local object libraries and settings that match local building codes. Canvas creates as-builts in the following versions, which you can select when placing your order:

  • USA
  • International
  • Other, which will include a .pla template file with all International library objects

Vectorworks, version 24

$0.20 per square foot, delivered files: 3D .vwx, 3D .dae, and 3D .dwg

You’ll receive a native, professional-grade Vectorworks file with objects in the correct classes and layers, as if you made it yourself. 

We can deliver your file in earlier versions by request. We can back-save to version 19. Follow these directions on every order:

Right after placing your order, tap “Upload Reference Measurements.”

Write “Vectorworks XXXX” with XXXX representing the year of your Vectorworks version and submit.

Canvas Measurement Report

$0.20 per square foot, delivered files: 2D floor plan in .pdf only, data table of object quantities and key dimensions including a few vertical dimensions in both .pdf and .xlsx.

We convert interior scans only for this format; no exteriors.

2D Drawings (PDF and AutoCAD)

$0.14 per square foot, delivered files: 2D .pdf, 2D .dwg, and 2D .rvt

Versions: AutoCAD 2013; PDF files will be compatible with any PDF reader; RVT files in Revit 2021 version.

Your 2D .dwg file will open in AutoCAD, design-ready and editable. We also include a PDF with annotated dimensions, which can be easily shared with anyone without special CAD software, as it can be opened by the native PDF reader that comes pre-installed on most smartphones, tablets, and computers.

We convert interior scans only for this format; no exteriors.

Note: AutoCAD files are delivered in inches, so you may want to re-scale the model you receive depending on your preferences. Information on converting units in AutoCAD here.

You can download sample files to experiment with real, Canvas-generated CAD models for yourself! Complete pricing information.

Indirectly Supported

The files delivered in our package– both the native files and the additional formats including IFC, DWG and DAE– can be imported into any software that supports them and be used either as references or as partially editable models (depending on the software). However, there are known limitations with indirectly supported formats. Please read below for important information on the most common file types we hear and make sure to test our sample files before ordering.

Home Designer Pro

Home Designer Pro is a slimmed down offering from Chief Architect, and differs from Chief Architect Premier which is fully supported. Many of our customers use Canvas for Home Designer Pro seamlessly and successfully! 

When you place an order, it is important that you use the "Upload Reference Measurements" button that appears after an order is placed to send this message to our team: "Please optimize for Home Designer." This reference submission button is in the app and your online account portal. Please submit this message within 8 hours for a standard order and within 2 hours for a rush order. Please test our sample files and test it before ordering, and let us know if you have any issues.


We have not thoroughly tested AutoCAD LT, but we have validated the 2D .dwg file from our 2D Floor Plan output with AutoCAD users. We are unaware of any issues using the 2D .dwg file from the 2D Floor Plan output with AutoCAD LT. 3D .dwg files generated from other outputs, however, may not work well with AutoCAD LT as the product is not optimized for 3D use. Please test our sample files and test it before ordering.

AutoCAD Architecture

We have not thoroughly tested AutoCAD Architecture, but we have validated the 2D .dwg file from our 2D Floor Plan output with AutoCAD users. We are unaware of any issues using the 2D .dwg file from the 2D Floor Plan output with AutoCAD Architecture. We have heard of some customers using the 3D .dwg (from the Revit package) with AutoCAD Architecture, but we recommend validating this workflow yourself by test our sample files.